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Good afternoon everyone. I meant to do one of these sooner. Here's every unused sketch or drawing that ended up not making the cut for various commissions and personal pieces, or drawings that I wanted to leave a sketch.


This piece was actually a very difficult one in the sense that I'm struggling to come up with a pose. The first image is all the ideas I had originally. Yes, that is me on the bottom left and I will go back to that one someday.

The second image is actually what I was going to go for originally. This ended up feeling like too ambitious of a piece, and even though I was very distasteful of what the actual piece was at the start, other people liked it, and that's partially what matters more.


Image 3 is a warmup for this character. I did wish I used the one on the far right as the patron piece is still the one I went with. I'll go back and draw that one at some point in the future.

Image 4 is not so much of a sketch, but experiment with the different brush. I ended up going with a different line brush, but I did want to share that one.


Image 5 is the various sketches I try to come up with for Bernard for like one hour. I ended up going with the one on the bottom left. I wanna turn the one on the far right into a drawing at some point as well. 

Image 6 was also originally what I was going for, but like with the Balthromaw piece, it was a little too ambitious for me, and I had to scale down.

A Look Into Commission Work

A lot of my pieces are usually commissioned work due to the fact that they're primarily how I make money. For the most part, people come up with general ideas. Other times, people leave me with free reign. I do prefer people coming up with ideas, but in the cases that doesn't happen, I usually to sketch out full pages or a lot of art just to make sure the client gets something they absolutely want. The process can take anywhere from 15 min to an hours. Most commission work do not get this, and I go straight into a refined sketch.

Images 7-12 are six commissioned pieces that I ended up doing quite a bit of sketch work for. I was prompted in image 7 to come up with something exhausted. An emotion can be expressed in a nearly infinite amount of ways, so I wanted to see if I can come up with anything new and great. It helped that the character was simple so I could come up with several sketches in the span of half an hour. Sometimes, I focus strictly on posing, but other times, like in image 8, I consider the shot and composition.

Image 10 was a bunch of poses I came up with for a zoroark character for a friend. I don't really do character designs for commission work as the process of making a character is a long one that should take a lot of time, but because this was a Pokémon, it was a lot easier to make.

Images 11 and 12 were the second options for two clients. Neither of these ended up being the accepted sketch that I moved forward with.

Unfinished Work 

Image 13 was originally a experiment with a different line brush tool that ended up not working very well. This one is definitely not finished and I don't think I'm coming back to it ever.

Anyways, I think that covers every sketch I've done in the last four months. I didn't really have a crazy amount of time to do any for myself, so most of these are generally from work. I hope y'all had a great time looking through some of my work processes and my unused sketches and doodles! I enjoy my job a lot, and getting to show these makes me really happy!




Oh hey, it's me


God there's so much good stuff here