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Author’s Note:

HOOOOOLY GODS! That took a lot longer than I expected. Chapter 122, the beginning of book 5, was the official start of the Worldly Path, and now we’re here! All the way at chapter 192! You know what I planned for? Well, probably not— So I’m going to tell you! I planned for one book. ONE. Maybe 300k words. Or 450k since I do like fully fleshed out worlds. Not two books. Least of all not ~1.43 million words. They were not wasted words, though, since Erick got to explore SO MUCH and meet so many new people and cultures. (though we still have lots of other places that remain mostly mysteries)

Treehome Arc. Tenebrae / Twisted Vision Arc. Songli Arc. Grass Traveler Arc. Enduring Forge Arc. Core Arc. Wrought Arc. And then finally, the Ar’Cosmos Arc.

Not to mention Jane’s Fun Times in Ar’Kendrithyst, featuring soul slime amalgamations and body horror.

So many things changed from the draft to the final product, mostly due to characters finding very interesting things to do and then doing them, and also the world reacting to their presences and actions. Erick is a very wily guy, getting into all sorts of mischief all over the place, and the rest of them are barely any better.

The draft I wrote to help me know what the Worldly Path would look like looks nothing like the final product. And for that, I am glad. I am very happy with how the Worldly Path turned out. Erick is in a good place of his own making and power. Jane is there, too, and I’m sure she’s going to get around to doing her own thing now that Erick has settled down… Maybe? Who knows! (I have plans, and they might actually get followed a bit, but I do like it when characters live in the world they inhabit). 

I’ll have a draft for the next book done soon, and then come actual chapters.

I’m sure many of you have already guessed what Erick wants the next part of his life to be about (basebuilding and solving problems and maybe, actually, relaxing for real. Maybe he’ll finally make himself a hot tub like he’s always wanted!) and so he’s certainly going to try to do that…

But the Worldly Path was supposed to be a simple vacation.

(it was never going to be a simple vacation)

And so—

The next chapter, Chapter 193, is the epilogue to book 6, and the Worldly Path. It’ll probably be a short chapter. That chapter comes out next week, normal time.

And then I will be taking a week off to plan the next leg of Ar’Kendrithyst. I might take a second week, too, though that second week is doubtful. I do love to write. However long the break lasts, Patreon will remain 6 chapters ahead of RR, for RR will suffer a missed time period of publishing just like y'all.

Chapter 194, the Start of Book 7, will come out soon enough.

Thanks for being here! 

Thanks for reading! 

There's more to come, soon enough!



It's difficult to express how grateful I am for your work. It's been an amazing adventure through book 6 and I can't wait to see what happens next. Know that you make a difference in my life. Looking forward to the next step!... Wait, the path is done!

Corwin Amber

thank you for the wonderful story. I look forward to reading every chapter that ever comes out :) Out of curiosity, do you think that you will ever release these as books on amazon/ebook format in the future? That you call this the end of a 'book' makes me wonder :)

Corwin Amber

Damn. I hit enter :) I also was wondering, considering his time frame until 'new worlds' is approximately 100 years, will there jumps in time going forward? or will the story remain on current events for the foreseeable future?


i'll eventually put them all on amazon for a price. not KU, tho. and thanks for reading!


very little timeskip is planned. never had much of them before; won't start now.


Will Eric and Co ever bring magic to Earth?


i can't/'won't answer that, but i can tell you that i don't want to write that story with these characters


Thanks for writing!


OMG this has been such an awesome wild ride! Have a great break you deserve it! Thanks for making my day better every week! This is one of my fave books of all time (in my top 5!)


I always look forward to Saturday as your story is my favorite out of all webnovels that I read (Thundamoo's story Vigor Mortis is probably a close second). Glad to hear that you're taking time off to recharge and plan the next arc. As always I'm eagerly looking forward to more of Erick's adventure and thank you for creating such a great story!


100 years of Veird adventures, the cantos of Veird following the return of Wizards for 100 years. Fire of the Age Erick Flatt, larger than life, new waypoint and end to the Worldly Path 100 years.


It was amazing thanks 😁😁


Love it! Thanks for your tireless and brilliant work!


Whenever I catch up to Ar’Kendrithyst, It often takes me leaving it alone for at least a couple of updates to pick it back up again. Such big chapters, a week apart, maybe part of it? But it always seems wondrous how I ever left it alone when I start devouring the content I left to accumulate, and a joy to have a good chunk to binge through, so it works out :) Thanks for this brilliant story, it's world, it's characters, it's Magic! There is just too much to love about your work!