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Note: Skip to the bolded question below if you hate reading long posts but still want to help me out with the comic!

Hiya friendos! So I've decided to cut off the comic so far and end it on page 20, which means there'll be 2 more pages (19 and 20) uploaded here before a big, fat "To Be Continued" will be slapped on it. It'll give me a chance to work on some smaller Patreon projects (like much, much shorter comics), and really polish up the next part.

Since I started this comic, I've been doing just about everything wrong: I didn't write the plot out, I don't thumbnail the pages, and I don't even really put enough though into panel layout. Each page was me, opening a canvas, and deciding then and there what will happen next in the story. Stepping away like this and working on smaller comics will give me a chance to learn more about what makes a good comic into a great one.

If you're curious of my reasoning: even after pausing on this comic for the past couple months, I found that page 18 felt much more technically impressive than previous pages, likely because of all that time I spent practicing with other things. So, if that can happen with drawing ability, I expect it can happen with writing, too! So, when I start part 2 in the future, it'll be better than ever!

That said, I'm sitting in front of my empty canvas titled "page 19" and realizing I'd like to ask for your participation in it once more before it wraps. My question for you is a simple one:

What should happen?

I know. It's super vague, open ended, and doesn't guide you much in answering the question. But that's the point! I've got 2 more pages here to lead into a lull for the story between parts, but I just wanna know what you might like to see happen. Leave your ideas below! I'll poke through them once I get really crankin' on these last pages and incorporate whatever I see that plays well with the characters.

And while I've got you here....

... how about you let me know what sort of short-form comic you'd like to see after this! I'm open to lots of stuff so just let loose, I'd love to hear from y'all!

And, of course, thank you all for your patronage. You've all been lovely to me and I look forward to hearing from you. <3

P.S. I'm gonna draw that nargacuga for y'all eventually, I promise.



Maybe you could end the comic with Cuja giving Loomy a quick handjob after pulling out of him, letting him get some sweet release aswell? With how much his balls grew, it's probably gonna be quite the orgasm! So one page of Cuja pulling out and reaching forward, smothering Loomster's cum-leaking face with his sack. Second one just Cuja going to town on his shaft, and with the Liquid Heat™ potion, I don't think he's gonna last long. For future comic ideas, I'd really love to see more of the Goodra you drew some time ago! Really in love with that one, and that steaming hole of his just screams for a thorough rimming... But whatever you go for, I fucking love your art 💜


I should go to bed


It's ok Scuffy if your going through some things. We are and will always be here for you.

Gabriel Cannizzo

the best things is to: Write a story, put detail into it then u open software and u draw, doing storyboard of potentially all page with some fast/messy sketch, then when u think this is how u did imagine it, u start working on each page, releasing one per "x time" u decide, as like u did before, there is 1 new page rdy on patreon as u post the previous one public, the good things with storyboard is that u see the whole things u wanna do, and on the way, if u want to actually edit stuff to make it better, u can, its also good to keep all proportion nice since u dont restart a page from 0 all the time