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This month was really short and it pains me that I didn't finish the stuff I wanted to. Doesn't help that I'm experiencing a burnout, because I took a small break from drawing (and also dealing with some irl issues at the moment). Above is a scrapped sketch of December's runner-up, although after many tries sadly I don't think I'll be able to do him justice




if you're viewing them in photoshop, you need to make a new layer at the very bottom and fill it with white, otherwise they'll look transparent. I'm using SAI, but saving it as .psd saves a LOT of space. sorry for the inconvenience!




Aw take care of yourself! And I still think you didn’t great job and makes me so happy to see some Murdoch!

Taylor McCall

No worries. He's still looking handsome, though. I hope things get better for you soon.