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My dumbass definitely didn't forget to post one last month...since my break is over now, I'm really hoping to get back on track and actually compile everything I posted on social media into one post. I've got a bunch of sketches, but also some finished art that I plan to post over time!

Anyway I recently got into Star Fox, so here's some teasers for next month! Expect more soon hopefully (Only know 64, Adventures, and Assault, so I gotta check out the rest >>)




if you're viewing them in photoshop, you need to make a new layer at the very bottom and fill it with white, otherwise they'll look transparent. I'm using SAI, but saving it as .psd saves a LOT of space. sorry for the inconvenience!

(also let me know if some are missing or not functioning properly)




This game has a special place in my heart, and I am glad to see you have been enjoying it! ☺️

Lucas (Littleatk)

Seems as tho I can't view these psd files