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In the comments please write characters you'd like to see in monthly poll. You can write as many as you want!

- No minors
- I'm fine with humans/robots/monsters/pretty much any furry species
- No feral/overcomplex designs please
- Not accepting Blacksad characters, however you can still suggest some and I miight draw them in my free time.
- Monthly poll piece is always NSFW, but if you'd prefer a SFW piece, please mention it
- Winner gets a colored piece, runner up usually a patron-only sketch

BONUS: if your character is less known (barely has any art), there's a chance i'll put them in bonus poll! if you're suggesting more unpopular characters, i'll simply pick the one i like the most.

Ends 19th May 12AM CET




Hataan from Epic7


Pantherlily from Fairy Tail (specifically his Battle Form, not his chibi form) looks almost identical to Blacksad. If you're not totally burnt out of Blacksad, seeing them together could be funny. Doesn't even have to be NSFW


Maliketh from Elden Ring


KAY/O or Omen from Valorant 😶‍🌫️


I would suggest trying Vakala and Remdax, from the Netflix Voltron series. Cool alien characters, with unique and distinctive designs!


I don't know if you'd be interested in Orby, a robot boyfriend from a new game A Day of Maintenance. He's cute but I don't know if his design is considered complexed.


I haven't gotten through much of the game so I don't know if you'll see more of Orby's body. This is what he looks like: https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzg0MjM0ODcucG5n/original/xljaUN.png https://img.itch.zone/aW1nLzc0MjM3ODYuanBn/original/SI8cho.jpg


lesgoooo I missed the bonus poll but oh well! aaanyways: • Gurr (Shin Megami Tensei) [<-- my current high horny priority pick bc yes skeletal birbmans???) • Tizoc / The Griffon Mask (Garou: Mark of the Wolves) • Zero (Mega Man X, the MMZ design is overrated) • Dallas 13 (Vigilante 8: 2nd Offense) • Tam Tam (Samurai Shodown) • Axel the Red / Spike Rosered (Mega Man X5) • Subjugation-kun (Yakuza: Like A Dragon) • Gunter Bullce (Galaxy Fight: Universal Warriors)


Leo (Anarchy Reigns) NSFW Jace Beleren (Magic the Gathering) NSFW Ral Zarek (Magic the Gathering) NSFW Egon God of Death (Magic the Gathering) SFW M and M (Area 21) SFW Lady T (Area 21 "Pogo" video) SFW


Heck yeah, MMX Zero is the best version of Zero


Shirou Ogami