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since i have a million WIPs lying around i figured it'd be a good opportunity to let you guys decide which  ̶o̶n̶e̶ two of these should get finished! there will be 2 winners this time, since there was no bonus poll last month.

Ends 7th March 12AM CET


Nick H

FWIW, holy cow, I would LOVE to see some Robin Hood R34 in your style! Those Prince John WIPs are 😍


if you mean the character then i dunno if i'm gonna draw him since he has a LOT of good art...maybe when i get inspired again


Wow, I did vote, but I'd really be happy with any of these! Great choices : D


The Beast and Scar as slutty boyfriends

The Neverwolf

How DARE you make choose one of my children?!