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hey so i really apologize, but i might not finish the May poll winner anytime soon. i spent all day trying to draw him, but i ended up hating every second and kept forcing myself to work on it (and if you already hate something from the start, it's better to scrap it than risking an art block). i can't even show the full art because it's just hideous, so i hope this crop is sufficient. i will attempt to draw him some other time, but right now i just really need a break from bulls lol.

monthly and bonus poll are definitely happening next month though




Aw man, it sucks that you gotta deal with feeling that way! I wish telling you not to worry about it could make the negative vibes ebb away sooner, but I know it’s never that easy. Just know that you got a LOT of folks here that love your work, no matter what. Hope your next drawing experience feels better all around! ✌️


thank you ;; luckily i don't get these moods super often but it's a part of being an artist sadly. i appreciate your support!