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Introducing who I'll be lewding for the next animation. Her name is Q-yuyu and she's a demon girl !(•̀ᴗ•́)و
You pronounce her name as Q-you-you or Kyuyuyu. I personally pronounce it pretty fast with no pauses.
Her nickname is simply "Q".

A little bit about her:
She's a deadpan, uncaring, lazy and prideful princess.
Uncaring in the way that she don't let others influence her much. She can live her life alone and can accomplish almost anything by herself, so it doesn't matter to her if you offer her help or not. She's prideful because of that but doesn't look down on others, or at least she's not even interested to do so.
She's lazy but doesn't neglect her duties. Her laziness comes from boredom by not being challenged.
She expects people to serve her, but doesn't go out her way to make one do so.
She wants to be spoiled, but she's not actually spoiled.

Her main hobby is reading books.
She can summon different things from below her just like where her chains are coming from. This applies to the books she reads.
Her crown also comes from the same source.
When it comes to combat, she's more of a mage/summoner.




I love her shes so CUTE!!!! Cant wait!!


I wanna spoil her 😍


I love her style.