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Sorry for taking long on Pyra. I've been busy with the river city parody coupled with feeling burntout _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ …

I didn't want to keep you people waiting for too long so here's the finished raw animation without any compositing. I'm still gonna do a full short video, but I'm gonna need another week or so as we aim to release the parody on the 12th.

I wanna add other scenes for the full video, but I don't think it would be a lot as I wanna finish this soon too so we can have the character poll for this month.

Thank you for sticking out for another month. I'm genuinely really thankful for everyone's support. I don't want to look like I'm taking things for granted so I want to finish as much things as I can to give back to all of you(*’∀’人)♥




Wow, I really like the lighting


It looks REALLY good! Take your time!

wally tututu

Keep it up. I'll wait for this :)


I really wanna finish it asap tho (๑•ૅૄ•๑)


Thank you(*’∀’人)♥ It's mainly what I practiced on this one, I guess.


this looks really nice :D will there be any x-rays? keep up the good work!


also after this, who you gonna do next?


It looks so good this is real art


We're gonna have another character poll so depends on you people.


all it needs is one good climax as finisher :D


The animation and the overall color and lighting is top notch!