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Thank you very much for pledging already! I honestly wasn't expecting for anyone to this early. I barely even have any info on what I'm doing yet, so I'm gonna do that now.

I'm working on an eroge, a kinetic visual novel to be exact, about Vel and how she starts dating a human. I already wrote the intro leading to the first lewd scene so far. Here's a few screenshots. No backgrounds or proper UI yet as you can see. (? ? ?)?

Basic info about Vel:

  • She's a grim reaper, but not the Grim Reaper/Death. There's other reapers too!
  • She really likes games and doesn't want to do anything else, including her reaper job,
  • Her cloak can morph to any shape/clothes.
  • She calls the protagonist "Human."

That's all for now. I'll keep on working so I can release the first build asap!



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