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Critical miss!

- At egscomics 


This is what happens when you have an absurdly good alignment, but are also into things you're embarrassed about.




I suspect Grace will be into it, though she might need it explained what's odd about it first, given her atypical upbringing


Remember when everyone was sure that Ashley was sus because no one could ever be THAT obviously good? Yeah...

Dan Curtis

No one can lie to Grace

Some Ed

Stuff like this was why my ex never suspected me of infidelity. I mean, OK, sure, I didn't, but the bit where I'd answer her even most embarrassing questions embarrassingly honestly with little delay, and sometimes admitted them even when she wasn't asking about them, garnered an amount of trust such that she never even entertained the thought that maybe I might. I think Ashley would be wise to at least point out to Grace that this is something she's embarrassed about, or Grace might think it's not even a secret and share with others, such as Elliott and Susan.


Now a conversation between the two most blindingly honest characters in EGS. Who are also the most and least easily embarrassed. I foresee Grace having a moment: "This is one of those things most people find embarrassing that I don't get, isn't it? Like nudity." *Ashley visualizes and spontaneously combusts from embarrassment.* Also, "sensual" is such a perfect description for Ashley's stories!


Ooh, I like this. I thought we were just going to get Ashley's story, but Grace getting involved could make this a lot more interesting. :)

Stephen Gilberg

Homer's Brain: Don't say revenge. Don't say revenge. Homer Simpson: Uh, revenge? Homer's Brain: That's it; I'm getting out of here.


This has been me, so many times.