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Hey everyone!

Thanks for the feedback and suggestions on the last post about stickers! I wound up coming up with some other ideas, but it was still a good insight into what you might be interested in for the future. I have a lot more ideas of what to consider for future designs.

What I wound up sketching are 2 original characters, and Mai. I'm leaning towards offering the Bomb Girl as next month's reward, but Mai is ready to color as well. Should I put it to a vote?

The third sketch I won't be using for the reward sticker because it might be little too big for the envelopes. It's an updated design for my Oni girl, Giri. She's part of a comic that I've been working on outlining for years. I'd love to share more about it sometime. It's very loosely based on Mario RPG, and Giri is sort of the "Bowser" of the group. She's almost kind of a bowsette before bowsette existed, haha. Now I've brought a bit of that influence into her design, along with some Jasper from Steven Universe. My Slime Girl comes from the same story concept. I'll share more drawings and more of the story details when I have something good to show, haha.

Let me know if you want me to put the Bomb Girl and Mai to a vote!




i dont really have a preference, i think they both look great!! but i think a poll would be good idea


I am looking at Giri very respectfully and would love to see more of her (very respectfully, of course). Also: "Oni Giri?" Nice!


They’re all very nice options! Mai would be the easy choice but your OCs are awesome and Oni Giri looks very cool. So I’d say Oni Giri :)


Your OC content is always my vote when an option! If Giri is ever up for a sticker, I would buy it in a heartbeat!