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  • Yoko won the Red color poll! Here's a quick sketch. I'm aiming to have it ready right after the weekend. 
  • Next week will be the next polls! I've collected the recommended character names and I'm putting them together now.
  • I'm also working on some new sticker designs that I'd like to share! There might even be a mini poll to decide September's sticker reward, but I'll see what I come up with.
  • The store opening was a massive success! Thanks everyone! I want to restock on prints and a few stickers, order new designs, and hopefully get the store back open for another round of sales. Most likely this will be in September. I'll need to get it all wrapped up soon just in case current events get any worse and cause the post office to shut down. Let's all hope it doesn't come to that.

Stay safe and healthy everyone! And thanks for your continued support!




YO this is a great concept for a poll! Mind if I give this theme a shot for my polls? (Feel free to say No, of course!)