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Hey, guys!

Fortunately, all turned out well and it seems I will not be blocked. 

Patreon never answered me, so the question of what to do with "Friends" remains open.

I'm thinking of taking a short break and focusing on other works so as not to provoke the Patreon once again. However, I'm not going to stop half way and intend to bring "Friends" to its logical end. 

I will slowly work on it and when the time comes I will post it. I can assure you that the next update will be big, so don't get upset guys. Hope for understanding. 

I'm also thinking of changing the story a bit. Perhaps add a prologue or something. And from now on, I will send the update to you by private message. 

Tomorrow I'll post "True nature" And maybe at the end of the month there will be a new comic. 


Danique Lamboo

I dont wanna be that person but yes. I was here also for friends. Hope it still gets released before 30 - 7 22 but i have my doubts. Sadly. See ya next time! ^^


Good to hear, friends is actaully my fav story