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February is a month of love and I think you’ll love what’s coming!

(boy that was cheesy! It’s all I got so I’m gonna roll with it!)

The winner of the traditional pinup was Tohru, the dragon-sized dragon maid from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid! I think that this is gonna be a lot of fun!

The winner if the mom pinup was Bernadetta from Fire Emblem 3 Houses! We all love our girl Bernie! 💜

Aside from the usual pinups, I’m also taking commissions again! I have plans of taking fewer commissions in general this year, but...yknow. Money is good so lol

I also want to continue doin more casual doodles, and sketch or fully illustrate some things I like in my spare time. You can also expect more Bernie stuff, because you all seem to love them!

Aside from that I’m also gonna be working on finishing this!

I hope you’re looking forward to February!



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