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Hey everyone!
Our new game Coco Nutshake is in development right now, coming this summer!
It's about milking tits and preparing shakes!

Our girl Lattata has a rare condition that makes her breasts produce excessive amounts of milk, so after losing her previous job she started a business at a little stand by the beach, selling her Coco-Nutshakes.

What made her so popular with the customers is the option for self-service.
Upon paying $3.60, the customer gets to chop Lattatas coconut bra in half, using it to capture her milk.
It is then up to them to squeeze the right amount out of her boobs, which can be quite tricky.
Afterwards the two halves of the coconut are repurposed as a shaker, conditioning the milk until the foams consistency is just right, and your Coco Nutshake is done!

...she doesn't want to be recognized by the general public though, so her eyes had to be censored.


The gameplay is broken up into 3 stages: chop, milk & shake, while structured in an arcade fashion where you play for score.
Interact with Latatta by swiping over the screen or dragging your mouse around.
You can also unlock different color palettes through reaching achievements!


We're hoping to get the game out within the next month, while still making sure the animations, sound and coding end up meeting our expectations.

I hope you're looking forward to it~ =w=b



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