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Yoyo, just wanted to make a quick post on the changes I've made to the Ahegames logo!

A while ago I've looked at this logo more carefully again, after more or less rushing it out when I initially created it for Lewd Leaf Land, and made a bunch of changes.

I've pretty much changed the "Ahegames" text entirely. Before it looked a little too plump/clumsy to me, so now I gave it more style, taking inspiration from Nintendo's logo.
I've also adjusted alot about the shape of the head, to make it cleaner, rounder, more stylized and all that.
The ahoge hairstrand was shifted slightly to the right before, now it's centered, making the logo as a whole follow a triangular shape.

I've also decided to change the capitalization of our name slightly, like so:

AheGames    →   Ahegames

Having the G be lowercase makes it feel more like a proper name imo, also makes the word look more flowy.
On top of that I was hoping the underlying pun, which we had in mind while coming up with the name, would shine through more with this spelling xD




You guys working on new stuff or more Lewd leaf land?