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runs in


update most likely on Tuesday!!!

runs away

ALSO I think I can power through the burn out to finish another batch of pages this month and finish both pics for patreon, but we shall see!!



Ash 🍁 Fall

OuO omg that sent prematurely ksjdnkf EEP I see mina getting her tongue and hands on that fine specimen already, hallelujah 🙌🏼 Take your time!! 🥺 Absolutely no rush; comics are an incredible amount of work so everyone should understand that + you have a life outside of drawing 😤 Take care of you first! Thank you for sharing with us! 🤲🏼


thank you for this little sneak peek. a lovely little treat and please take care of yourself first! we patiently wait for updates 💚💚💚


(yells) thank you very much for this sneak peek treat! 👀 Deku looks like he's enjoying himself very much! those nails, want 'em 💅🏻 and these expressions! 😭🙏🏼 best of luck with battling burnout, it's more than okay to take your time 💕 you are doing fantastic work!! 💗🔥


Please don't over do it just for us I swear we loyal 😜


But thank you anyway


Yay! But take your time and don’t push yourself too hard okay 😌


AHHH MAH GAHHD!! it's gonna be so good I can't waitttttt 🥵

Peter Shaw

we know you'll get there in the end... so no need to feel any need to rush! burnout can be a b-word (LOL funny coz it *is* a word that starts with b), and if doing *other* things, meaningless, fun things helps you beat it, then do that instead!


Is "someone" gonna show up too? You kinda hinted at it in the beginning but I'm not sure. (Also self care is important so people dont push yourself! )


Deku’s face is just so breathtaking how you draw it.


Please take care of yourself! I understand that keeping up your Patreon is important to you but we’ll survive slower updates ❤️