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Sorry for the absence of work. To put it up front I’m going to discontinue this patreon.

My job switched up my schedule and as a result I can’t paint on my long commutes and trips as I usually did on my iPad. I was barely home doing any work.

I’m surrounded by family and friends, followed by responsibilities on the homefront which greatly limits how much time I have to complete paints. The paints take half a day sometimes while I barely have a couple hours to myself to paint NSFW. I’m a very slow worker since paints are still very hard for me.

Can’t get my own place yet due to the possibility of things changing again. I don’t know if this means I’m stepping away from TwilightChroma forever. Or just for now.

But not going to keep pausing the billing cycle with the risk I forget one month and charge people for nothing. I plan to cancel this account.

End of a chapter. Just not sure if it’s the end of the book.

I was so excited every time people pledged 🥲 And quite sad now I’ve lost my routine.

Sorry. And thank you patrons for making me feel the art entertained someone. 💕


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