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So, as far as I know, I've sent out all of the Christmas Momo photos to everyone! (From the selfies to the Fiesty Fox set and up, I believe everyone has their photos!) If you didnt get your photos, let me know! Also, you'll have to request access because google drive is a big BUTT.

In the meantime: does anyone wanna hear a funny story about this cosplay and photo set?

Of COURSE you do.

I wore this cosplay to my local theme park for photos! It was the perfect place! But as you can imagine: there were also a lot of families...
Many of these families and their children especially believed I was some sort of mascot for the park, I think. Their children kept running up to me and the parents would ask for a photo and so I would have to pose for photos with strange kids because they thought I worked there... No one was rude or anything, but it was really weird having children run up to me to pose and they 100% had no idea what I really was.

So now random strangers have photos of me on their phones with their children at a theme park. 😬



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