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I'm sorry for the sudden announcement but the next month(November)'s going to be the last month that I work on Patreon.

In actually, I want to end it on this month but there's Doujin Aether x Venti I currently working on it, so I decided to extended to the next month and add it to reward for 15$ and 20$ tier and for other tier list i'll removed it on November.

For a reason, I've start working on Patreon for 3years now and feeling my self stuck in comfort zone.

After I considering many things, many months after this, the work will be increase. For instance, I always want to practice other skills like scenery drawing skills, 3D modeling, and most importantly, I plan to work abroad in the future, I would like to study more in the language field.

Due to those reasons, I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to create work to meet the Patreon deadline. 

Thank you for keep supporting me for a long time, I'll never be here without you guys. If I have a plan to open my Patreon page again, I'll notify you through my twitter


I apologize for the sudden announcement.




awe man so sad to hear :( but thank you for all the lovely work that you've done! Wish you the best in your next journey!


Very very sad you're no longer doing a Patreon, but thank you so much for all the amazing work, and good luck with whatever you do in the future! If you ever come back to Patreon, I'll be excited to support again!


Thank you for always supporting me, I will try my best on my next journey!