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Hello everyone, this month’s rewards have been sent to your Patreon messages.

Members who have paid by 6/4 should receive the letter. The reason for sending the rewards one day in advance is that I have to undergo surgery tomorrow, and I will need to rest for a day or two before I can go home. I don’t want to make you wait for two days because of my own factors, so I sent them one day in advance. 

If you have any questions, you can send me a message, and I will reply to you on the 7th or 8th.


截止6/4號為止有付費的會員應該都會收到信. 會提前一天發送獎勵的原因是我明天要去做手術,到時候要休養個一兩天才能回家,我不想因為自己的因素讓各位等待兩天,因此提前一天發送. 




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