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Hi, everyone! This translation used chatGPT and bing, and although I asked a friend to check it for me, we are not native English speakers after all, so there might be some parts that are not smooth. 

Well, we are coming to the end now, Garen and Darius will continue to love each other, and I’m looking forward to the new game coming out on April 19th, where Garen will appear, although as an enemy, but this is the first time Garen appears in another game, and I’m very excited

Next, I’m going to start drawing Trundle’s story, where Trundle will fall into Lissandra’s most dangerous trap, please wait a little for this blue muscular hunk. 

The rewards for April will be announced on May 5th, see you then!

嗨,各位好! 這次的翻譯使用了chatGPT與bing,雖然有請朋友幫我檢查,不過畢竟我們的母語都不是英文,也許還是會有些許的地方不通順. 






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