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Nothin better than a cute panda to play with. 

Nice christmas gift we got!

This time I added the portal technology, cause I've seen many people that is kinda buggied by the tickle wall trophies. He's fine, just laughin' :P

Download links!

Blue Bird-  https://www.patreon.com/posts/blue-bird-hd-44897047

Hyper Hyena - https://www.patreon.com/posts/hyper-hyena-fhd-44897170

Jumbo Jaguar - https://www.patreon.com/posts/jumbo-jaguar-2k-44897173




The download links don't seem to be working :C


Hi Purple Before everything thanks a lot for your interest to support me here! That's awesome :D And... Well. The link doesn't work because the picture you left the comment in belongs to December pack. Tiers includes the content of the months pledge + a couple of old exclusives (depending on the tier) and other benefits as discounts among others


Hmh, you really shouldn't disable people from accessing all the material, for otherwise this Patreon is basically empty.