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R : "Remember what you and mom taught me? To not worry about things that are out of our control. Dad no matter how capable nor how many knives you have ready to stab the ones closest to you, sometimes some things are not going to go your way. More so of the things that are none of your business, you should not stress and waste your precious time and emotions on people who do not deserve it."

F : "Right..it just sucks"

R : "Practice what you preach dad. We all have demons around our neck and hearts, its how you see them that affects you negatively and positively. Your family will always love you and you have at least 1 friend that cares for you. Plus you taught me that every one else is disposable except family yeah?"

F : "When did you get so smart?"

R : "Come, we can meditate for awhile. You love to control everything so things go your way. But that kills you. Try letting go, it is not important, no one else should be"

Sorry for not alot of art and lack of nsfw stuff, just been in a mental slump lately. Just gotta pull myself out of this ditch i dug myself into because of running emotions and bad decisions. Just a short update on me!
