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In addition to the Room351 posts coming later in the month I figured I'd make being a patron a bit more fun from time to time my showing a few light glimpses into the other story universes I have created. 

This month I'm going to share a story concept I first cam up with back in 2006. Originally called, "Godhand: The Last Refuge" it was the story set in Medieval Fantasy, with magic swords and flashy battles (look, I was 16 and at the height of my fascination with anime).  Over time, I let it fall by the wayside, partly because I had no reference to medieval weapons or lore to build upon, and also because I was filled with teenage angst. 

But a couple years back, I got inspired to make a medieval fantasy once more  because I had watched most of Queen's Blade but never finished because it's so terrible.  I wanted to make a story about beautiful knights that was actually about them fighting and growing as characters rather than stopping every five seconds for fan service. 

I am calling this story, Dragon Knight.

Today, I will be sharing the 5 main characters and 2 minor characters.

As for when you can expect more development on Dragon Knight, well that will come after I finish Volume 1 of Room 351.




I finished to Queen's Blade many, many times (I know, I'm terrible). x3


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