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This is the end of part IV, which brings us to the final part V of the Captive comic. 

I know it is kinda anticlimactic but this part is basically setting up for the grand finale of this 3 years long comic. he battle between the Drakenheim and Cragenwall.




It says "End of part V" shouldn't say End of part IV? Also is that the meme with the girl staring at the guy's chest? :p


Yeah I just changed the small typo. Haha the 2nd last panel really does unintentionally look like that meme.

James Michael

Love this comic! Can't wait to see how it all plays out in the end! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Lol and it looks amazing can’t wait to see what come next!


thanks! I think the next part will be much briefer since everything is wrapped up already.


No spoilers but I can tell you that Gervic will get a new look.


Hella, can't wait to see what happens next 👀


I always look forward to reading this comic. Question. I thought part 4 was gonna be the last part of this series?


Kinda sad my favourite comic ended. But looking forward for new update about the new chapter! Thank you Vju for this wonderful, sweet, and adorable comic! 💕