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So with this new artwork I will finally start my adventure with Patreon!

I really love creating new things and try to push my own boundaries. To achieve a result I'm satisfied with, I need a lot of time and patience! 

To speed up this progress I really would like to upgrade my hardware. My brave battlestation is now quite old and I can feel that. So this is why I'm asking for some support <3

This community already has been so supportive to me and I can't be grateful enough!

I would like to create and give you more of my art! With some help we can make that true very soon :)

All my work will still be released publicly, but every Patreon supporter will get them at least a week earlier! There needs to be some incentive right :D

I will be on vacation for the next 7 days but to not keep you hanging, I've made sure to create some pictures in advance! So every supporter will get two new pieces this week!

Thanks again for making this possible! I love you all <3




please make more artwork featuring her! I'd love to see what happens next!


I will! :)


Awesome work!