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Thanks  @bignaicc for pose


Thanks @FoolishOldMan-Sims4 for all the color changes 


Thanks @timoni66 for model 


◆Original model from Justice Online,thanks for original model creator

◆ 导模作品,原模型来自逆水寒~~感谢原模型作者辛苦创作~

◆The copyright of this MOD belongs to the original game and their operators involved. Do not use them for commercial purpose

◆ 本MOD的版权归涉及到的各大游戏公司及其运营商所有,禁止任何形式上的商业运作

◆ please do not re-upload, sale, edit, recolor without ask or claim as your own.

◆ 请勿重新上传、打包、贩卖、修改、未经询问擅自改色或占有此作品

◆ if you use my cc to take photos please tag   fendudu-dt

◆ 如果有使用我的cc拍照,欢迎标注 棼嘟嘟 ~~~~




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