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There are many things we do not know about Pyreflies. For example, some Pyreflies like to gather within the bosom of young summoners and swell their breasts to considerable sizes. Why some do this I do not know. Some theorize that these Pyreflies are of those that died with regrets about courtship and wish for nothing more than to be smothered in the warm embrace of a young ladies bosom. And that, as they say, is that.

Man, I was not prepared for how challenging this one would be, but I'm finally done with Yuna and her growing tiddies! I also made versions with the speech bubble from the original sketch, but felt it kinda detracted from the piece more than helped, but whatever, you can make your own judgement on that.

So many projects, so little time! Onward to July!




wow!!! her clothes look really pretty!