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We're happy to announce version 0.1.4 of the Migaku Kanji God Addon!

Update and installation instructions:
You can update or install the add-on by simply double clicking it and it will be either newly installed or installed over your existing installation.


1. Customizable fonts
2. Custom field on kanji cards
3. Dialog to decide how newly found kanji should be handled.
"Confirm kanji cards that get added automatically", Looks like this:

4. Shift click example words to search them in Migaku Dictionary
5. Option to hide example words not from your collection on cards
6. Option to hide keywords on production cards if example words are present
7. Option to only show words from cards you've begun learning as example words
8. Options to reset parts of the database
9. General improvements and bug fixes

Download the Add-on on our download page:
Click Here!



Thanks for the improvements! 😃


Thanks for sharing this! Does the previous version need to be uninstalled or what's the easiest way to update to 0.1.4?


You can update by simply double clicking the new version and it will be installed over your existing installation.


When I restart Anki Kanji God 0.1.3 is still the installed version.


You have to open Anki while holding shift and install the addon then. As it says in the error message


Are there any plans to randomize the example words if the amount of connected words exceeds the maximum amount of shown cards on the front side? e.g. just seeing 4 words out of 10 on the front, but not always the same 4. Appreciate your work!