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To install:

  1. Download the file below
  2. Double click it to install it with Anki

To Update:

  1. Download the file below
  2. Disable your current installation in the Anki add-on window.
  3. Restart Anki
  4. Double click the file you downloaded to install it with Anki (it will update your existing installation and will not overwrite your settings)
  5. Re-enable the add-on.
  6. Restart Anki

What’s new in this update (ver. 1.0.1) :

  1. Migaku note type styling has been updated with better picture support and better compatibility with Migaku Editor.
    1. If you are happy with the current note types you are using then there is no reason to update.
    2. If you would like to update:
      1. You first will need to rename your current Migaku Portuguese note types (You can simply add a number at the end).
      2. Restart Anki and the new note type variants will be added.
      3. Convert all cards in your renamed note types into the new variants. Please seek support on the Discord server if you need help doing this.
      4. Delete your old note type. 
  2. Compatibility issue with other Migaku language add-ons that caused audio to be played incorrectly fixed.

Download it here (Only for Anki 2.1.35):
Click here

###Getting the Correct Anki Version###
If you don't have the correct Anki version, please download it from our site here. Do not download it from Anki's website, only the 32-bit version of Anki 2.1.35 is available there.


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