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New month, new stuff!

So, on August 1st, I successfully switched this patreon from charging "per creation" to charging "per month". It was, way easier than I thought! And apparently something that would be very easy to reverse, if I ever wanted to (doubt it). Anyway, like I've been saying, my content output will be basically completely unchanged, and this month reflects that!

I'm planning to do two comic pages this month! Woo! Along with some comm streams, which I'll be posting a form for later tonight. There'll be a poll to decide what the 609 pages will be, and also the end of the month I'll probably be pretty busy with a road trip and helping a friend move but I still plan to get both comic pages done before August! And hey, even if I don't, the stakes aren't extremely high like they were before changing to "per month". Phew!

As always, you can leave comments/questions/input below!




Is it per post or per month, your posts say two different things


You're cool brae


What’s the difference between per post and per creation? They sound the same


Fairly certain it's per month now, and this post was a typo, but that's just me assuming 🕺


I'm new here and can't wait to see your content (:


Oop! Made a typo in the post initially. I switched from "per creation" to "per month". This patreon should now be "per month". Sorry for the confusion!


Was a typo! Meant to say that I switched from "per creation" to "per month"