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Here's the WIP for our fifth artwork: Bocchi wearing what I call a "mini kimono" lol. I actually don't know if this outfit has a name or not, but if you know it then please tell me~

This WIP went through a lot of phases. I really disliked it for a long time and then I made a few changes (mostly to her face) and it turns out I really like it! She definitely is less mommy-like than what I usually draw but I thought it would be fitting for Bocchi.

It's also nice to draw a setting and outfit really different from what I usuall draw

I hope you'll like her!

Thank you for your support! 




Oooo I love this pose! And the outfit, it’s like a night gown type thing?


Hmm I got the inspiration from a kimono. I basically removed the sleeves and the bottom part (and it kept it wide open for big boobas lol) I feel like I've seen it somewhere before or at least something similar so I guess it has a name but idk