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Thank you very much for your support in March!

As you know it has been a special month. Lots of changes here on my Patreon, and honestly it's still kinda scary to me. I will only really know if it was a good decision in a couple of months so until then there's still a lot of uncertainty and stress associated to it.

That being said that month was really fun! I really enjoyed drawing all these new stuff. I don't know if every month will have as much hentai content (maybe sometimes more lol, who knows). I will try to not stress too much over it and just focus on making good content. 

Thank you again, I'm looking forward to drawing more artworks!

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---> Click here <---
◆ Tier3+(Hero, Legend, Myth):
---> Click here (also includes Gumroad 10% discount code <--- 

Please do not share the links or distribute the rewards to anyone.
