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Opening up for a short round of commissions.

These slots will be hand-picked over the next few days, not first-come first-served, so don't worry about rushing for a slot.

Before applying for a commission, please take the time to read our UPDATED commissions info sheet (attached).

Drop us a mail with references and description of what you want cherrymousestreet@gmail.com

⚠️ To take benefit of your Patron discount, make sure the subject is:

Patreon:(yourusername) Commission

IMPORTANT: We receive lots of emails every day. We will only reply to emails that include info about the commission, references etc.

✔ Hi, I want a commission of my character eating sushi in a mini dress like in the pic attached.

❌ Hi I want a commission.

Are there any slots open?




Check your Email.


Email sent! 😄 I hope I get picked!


Yosh! I've been waiting for this :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 04:42:55 Sent my email. Thank you for opening up commissions again! <3
2021-08-31 13:45:00 Sent my email. Thank you for opening up commissions again! <3

Sent my email. Thank you for opening up commissions again! <3


Yes, sorry. We receive a huge lot of emails every time we open for commissions 😅