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Hey guys!

Hadn't connected with all of you in months, I am deeply sorry for our disapperance. 

Many of you might have noticed that our Patreon page had been block in March because of againsting the policy. Because we are almost burning all of our energy in this game, and we thought it might be a good chance to leave the Patreon for months and speed up the game developing.

Long story short, let's start with the good news. In these months of working, our game developing is about to finish in this month or next. 95% of work had been finished, there are few UI active triggers need to be set. After all these, we still need three phases of testing work. Then the whole process will come to the end. 

There will be only Chinese language for this game because we don't have enough fund to translate the whole script in English. And also I had asked my teammates to build a website for selling the game. We will start the presell as soon as the website is okay. 

We had made an amazing promotional video to the game as well. Hope you guys will see it before the new year (finger cross).

There are also some bad news here. Just like I mentioned before, our page had been blocked because of againsting the policy. We will erase the whole page in days I think. This is also a reason I am afraid to come back here and give you the update in a long time.

I need to erase the content, and the artist's name also. Then I will ask the administrator to unsusped the page. If everything goes well, you will see a brand new page of our AhrStudio in the end of October. 

I had to say, AhrStudio had a 3rd Anniversary this month. With all these precious memory of our old work, and having all you guys supporting our dream. I sure don't want it end here. I am still not sure how to due with all the post here, but erase all of them might be the best and only way to make it through.

I will leave this post here for a week, or even when our new page is done as a memory. 

Sorry to let you know all of these, wish you a happy day.

Thanks for all your support.















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