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My full reaction to Smallville 7x3 "Fierce"


Smallville 7x3 pat.wmv



I mean is it really a surprise? Kara had a thing for Jimmy in Supergirl right? Also, that scene of Lana walking into the barn is probably my favorite Clana scene to date. By this point I had long since left the Clana train station but everything about that scene just worked. The lighting, the music, the pacing, the build up, the facial expressions, everything was perfect. This is just another example of why SV was ahead of its time with cinematography and why none of the Arrowverse shows have quite recaptured it.


Clana should have ended when she decided to be with Lex.


The ONLY reason why I think they deserved one more go is because the entire conflict of their relationship revolved around her being out of the loop with Clark's secret. Now that the cat's out of the bag, they almost owe it to themselves to at least try. See if any new conflicts arise this time. An opportunity to show all the Clana stans whether or not they are truly compatible.