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The ladies do a post mortem on the last episode and discuss Freddie de Boer's recent pieces for Substack and The NYT.


Spaghetti Again

I’m still ridin’ high off the last banger.

Ben Seales

Ladies can we have some vile neolibby Xmas merch... I’m so bored by Amazon detritus and mulch 🤢


47:30 socialism became somewhat popular because the target of its ire is billionaire crooks on Wall St, whom most people hate. Wokeism is a movement aimed at reconstructing the behavioural norms of ordinary people through top-down browbeating. Edit: Just got to the hour mark, where you say something similar to this.

Ben Seales

Oh god 52:00 - 52:50. Hello? Why aren’t these sluts in office. What a r——-d world.


Dasha I know you don’t need the extra income but plllllz sell your unwanted clothes on Depop!


I bet he’d come on


I love Freddie


Isaiah 54:17 No weapon forged against me shall prosper… bitch lol 📖


omg I would love an episode with Jordan Peterson…I feel like you guys would have a really interesting conversation


Dasha you on succession is perfection. Perfectly aligned, shining bright. Bitches be so jealous.


love you ladies!!!


For the most part


52:15 At university in England and surrounded by social justice pronouns-in-bio 19 year olds. I suspect they do listen to the pod and secretly enjoy it, even if they publicly disavow.

La synarquista

Ladies ladies I’m 100% certain that FdB is very cheekily on your side, I hope this ep goes after him all in good fun

Matt Burgess

Amazing ep, the “final boss of leftism” critique could apply to almost every leftist media figure, they’re so poisoned by their own bullshit. btw Freddie posts nearly every day on the red scare sub and has done so for like a year so he will definitely see this


I found this to be a very insightful episode, both politically and personally. Love you dames.


God damn you to see the dead Sandy Hook children every time you look at your own


Three episodes in all of November. Really getting my money's worth !


I’m just thankful Dasha didn’t shoot her damn foot like she was about to in Texas on one of her stories last week. Thankfully she had a MAN to save the day and teach her a little bit of gun safety.


Anna, if you ever read this — I’m a Desi / South Asian and I kindly demand that you do your impression of an Indian accent. My life will be incomplete if you don’t. Thank you, come again.


Freddie is flawed, but overall a good voice. Perhaps better for his flaws.


Isn't Freddie putting your picture up in the first article, "chumming the water"


Lmfao nvrmd they just said that


So you’re not political nihilists, evidenced by your lack of political beliefs? Isn’t that the definition of political nihilism? “Morals” absent a deliberate project are more often anti-political than political in practice. If not an intentional joke altogether, is Dasha’s nod to so-called “spirituality” really expected to stand-in for purpose? Could you present yourselves anymore superficially? If you intended to give a worthwhile defense, just shutting up sooner would have been more convincing than what you did here. You forgot to criticize Freddie’s actual politics. You acknowledged that other people conflate his politics with different, unpopular politics then you proceeded do the same conflating yourself wherever convenient. Criticize his actual politics, cowards! Ideally, you would have done so during all those awkward pauses which resulted from trying to act like you had a point to make. Your other so-called criticism was just a tautology; that Freddie’s political goals cannot be achieved because they haven’t been achieved yet and are not popular right now. Confusing what is with what ought to be is the oldest most BORING debate tactic. You’re failing yourselves on every count. At least put on a show instead of just playing deaf, dumb, and blind. This episode only aids Freddie’s analysis, and if your fans are stupid enough to not care that all you could do is stumble in circles about it for 2 hours that doesn’t help. If you want to criticize Freddie, his latest book is a good target. He needlessly takes the side of nature against nurture in the higher learning debate. He argues against the ideal of universal higher education, with some discussion of wage starvation but most of his focus goes to the problem of most people being too stupid. And he goes curiously soft on the for-profit nature of higher learning institutions. It’s a very strange angle for a self-described Marxist.


Nothing gayer than writing a fucking essay on a patreon comment


A&D have a consistent Laschian worldview and for Freddie to say otherwise is pathetic.


Hoping that when Dasha says ‘This Jungian Life’ she’s referring to the incredible podcast which I love hehe


Running offense for Alex Jones. So fucking lame.


I love the increasing rhetoric about the merits of hard work from erstwhile "bohemian layabouts." You do hard work well--understand the importance of aesthetics, embrace self criticism, and you are fucking entertaining. Not horny for you. --appreciative faggot


Not sure what you mean by “worldview” but Lasch was earnest and judicious. Anna and Dasha, especially Anna, is first and foremost cocky. Big difference.


@Ben you are making stylistic critique, not substantive.


This is the only thing in the episode that they give a proper defense for. Wrt Freddie, they should have taken the angle that he was just fueling the same old narrative which uses Alex Jones as a distraction. AJ has always been more earnest than Anna or Dasha. He convincingly believes in certain things, which is more than can be said for either of them. His willingness to risk humility on account of his beliefs is attractive to a lot of people, and the same goes for Freddie De Boer. Anna and Dasha are terrified of the consequences of believing in or committing to anything, especially politically.


“Embrace” self-criticism? What kind of skill is that? It’s literally one’s own criticism. Of course they embrace it. They wrote it, and editorialized it, etc. This is just standard PR mitigation. Now if they could embrace criticism received from others without replacing it with their own, that might be worth commending.


What substance is there to critique? I don’t necessarily disagree with you here, but I am criticizing the lack of substance in their defense. Alterating between passion and dispassion, for example, isn’t logically incoherent but it’s characteristic of the sort of decadence Freddie is criticizing. I would choose different words than him, but he’s not wrong. They gave a fine defense of Alex Jones, etc. but their response to Freddie De Boer was inconsistent if not incoherent, and seemed evasive, cowardly.


Who the fuck is this Ben tard? Is he employed by the publisher? Dude, get a real job.


I make better money with a bullshit job that lets me post all day.


my sincere congratulations (now think about that Al-Anon/AA tip I gave you earlier)


So if they’re not political nihilists then what are their political beliefs? Critiquing establishment neo-liberals/leftists/the media doesn’t count. Nor does a vague “humanistic” vibe. I get that going to bat for a specific policy or politician would be too gay for them, which… fine. But “everything is dumb” is the nihilist part.


context: am a "zero-gen" immigrant from an Eastern block country (not the one you are thinking of, will bet you). I disagree with quite a bit of their discourse but I pay for this pod, because I do think they: a) give a good alternative to the shit out there (they are kind, they DO offer alternatives, they are cosmopolitan, they are extremely fucking intelligent and fun (wow! how lucky are we? *sorry I can only afford the Basic Bitch fee, ladies) ) and b) give a good positive alternative to the coprophilic SHIT out there "be a bit more curious about the Id and the Unconscious" etc [so sorry to be redundant, from the Department of Redundancy Department]


Please more vibe check style eps, this one hurt


You are the good guys. You have good taste, unfailing courage and uplifting good humour.


"Public apologies are meaningless - you apologize in private or it doesn't count" is one of the more insightful things you two have said on here, which is why Alex "repeatedly apologizing" in legal depositions means nothing. I don't think he's evil or untouchable and the episode was good, but there really isn't any need to hedge on what he did to those parents. It was fucked up.


Do they have deeply held beliefs though? That was basically the topic of the episode, and they left it at “metaphysical” and “humanist” and “moralist”, but what that means is really anyones guess. Apparently it includes a lot of empathy and understanding for fringe conspiracy theorists, and a lot of disdain for people who are earnest about politics.


1:13:42 ooof Anna w/ another gem


Speaking of Texas, where's the Red Scare/True Anon deep dive into whether or not Virgil ever existed?


Literally didn't understand this conversation but go off queens

Max Schultz

Fucking way more political and powerful then they will ever cop to. Someone should compile transcripts and put in some book sold by Verso or some shit.


as an avid succession stan I adore you on the show, then again I did start watching it because of you lmao


this jungian life baby!


They should review gwyneth paltrow's new sex series lmfao


Please get Mel Gibson on the show.


Where’s the Alex jones ep cause it’s not on my Patreon and I need that rn


That’s crazy neither of them work. It’s definitely a sign I shouldn’t listen


Eek…I’m that chick who conforms to all the little rhetorical rituals of her lib job while definitely “chortling” to red scare. We exist lol


Bring on Freddie de Boer and have him say it to your face. Lol


Come through bitches I need a new ep for my ennui


Have him on the pod


Anna you would look amazing in tabis I think you should just do it


Adjani is wearing spring court sneaks in that photo


Loved this episode, but 100% it's rigged against socialist candidates lol. Of course some people can overcome the establishment and break through like Trump did in 2016, but it shouldn't be that difficult to get a candidate through with policies people want, like Bernie with medicare for all. It's all rigged, fake and gay. For sure though people like AOC are making socialism unpalatable and unpopular, but I still believe Bernie would've been the democratic candidate in 2016 and 2020 without all of the outside interference... not saying he would've won, who knows, but when you have your own party in conjunction with the mainstream media doing everything to cockblock you it's always gonna be near impossible. Now people want to rewrite the DNC rigging theory down to crazy conspiracies to make liberal lefties look bad. Anyway Bernie was cucked at the end of the day and should've called it out and done more of a Trump vibe, so that's on him.


it’s been over a month 😢