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Welcome to July, and another month of wild, kinky art! For those of you who stuck around, thank you! You're in for a fun month, hehe

And here's a teaser of what's to come! I'm currently working on two very complex drawings with a LOT of characters (8 characters each)! Since these are a lot more intricate than my usual work, I have to plan them out in small thumbnail sketches, which are only like 8 x 10 cm. This is so that I can plan out where all the figures will fit in while still making a clear image. The first image is a drawing of Anna & Rebecca pleasing some happy customers (with much more freedom of movement than the last time I put them in a spot like this!), and the second image is the one I got you guys to vote for among two other ideas at the end of last month, where a character is captured and brought into a room where she's surprised to see her friends in quite the predicament! 

I'll slowly update on these two massive drawings as they come along. I think for the second image I may have to focus on a 'pair' of characters at a time, since they're all basically split into groups of two. Anyway, hope these two studies get you as excited as they get me ;)



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