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Kasel and his friends came to the beach to attend the princess's celebration, and started with Mediana's strange potions... Roi, Ezekiel, Chase fell into sexual desire, and Kasel did not drink the potion, but he Must choose clause and crow, who is his favorite...

Kasel 跟他的夥伴們一起來到了海邊參加公主舉辦的的慶典 , 而從Mediana 的奇怪的藥劑開始... Roi , Ezekiel , Chase 陷入了性慾之中 , 而Kasel他們雖然沒有喝下藥劑 , 但他必須選擇clause還有crow ,誰是他的最愛...

- A total of 60 pages of black and white comics

- 1 of full color comic cover

60頁的黑白漫畫內容 1頁彩色封面

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thank you very much!

(**(The copyright of this work belongs to Hai Manga. The person who buys/gets the reward has no right to change the work / secondary sale or publish in any public occasion, please abide by and respect our creators, here Thank you very much))

(**(此作品版權都歸於饅嘎 海 (Hai manga )本人所有 , 購買/拿到獎勵的人沒有權利去更改作品/二次販賣或是發佈在任何公開場合 , 請遵守並尊重我們創作者 , 在此非常的感謝您)



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