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ここまで完成して近い絵をやめたたぶん初めて 私にとってこの絵は"いくら修正しても気に入らない"のタイプた そして親知らずを抜いたばかりの原因あで  全然絵を描き気分がない ... 実は以前にも完成度高いの絵がたくさんありましたが いくら修正しても気に入らないので絵を捨てたこともある。 ただし更新を維持するために自分を無理して描き終えた、 結局再画くよりも時間がかかりました。 これからは多分サクサクと捨てるだろう、 もし破棄した絵は完成度がある程度ならまだfanboxに載せます。






出来ればボツったやつも投稿してほしいです🥲 需要めちゃくちゃあると思います…


Huh, I think it looks great but your enjoyment is important so it's fine not to draw if you don't like it. Fight on!


I honestly love all of the art that you have uploaded. To me, your art is perfect.




ありがとうございます、 でも自分は絵を描くといろいろなことを考えます 今回は構図とキャラの特性に違和感があります 超天ちゃんようなヤンデレは骨感の体に向いて でも”固め”の構図は通常ぷにぷにの肉感を表現します 絵をほどんと描き終わる前に気づいてからやめたくなった


Only nitpicking can make us progress,we need a lot of failures to make people feel "perfect". So thank you! but I still need to nitpicking myself.




影おじ先生が恥ずかしいなら仕方ないです‼️ それでもたまに下書きも載せてほしいです…🥺


You're a very good artist and I'm very glad I was able to find your art and support your work. Having said that I want to say that we are all our own worst critics, and if you go back and look at your oldest art on pixiv you have improved tremendously in such a short period from your first posts. I'm not going to say that you shouldn't strive for perfection from your art because obviously this is your passion and is something you're amazing at, but please don't put constant pressure on yourself to always be perfect because that's something absolutely none of us can be even if it's what we desperately want. Draw what you enjoy and if it's not perfect in your eyes as you did now move on to a new peice, but just know all your supporters love your art regardless of whether it's perfect or not. And even in this struggle you're still improving every with every moment you spent on it :)


I've seen your art for awhile and I can definitely say you have improved over time, even looking back at older drawing on pix.iv you've made stellar progress! I do agree that critiques are extremely important to developing as an artist and when you are freelancing you don't receive as much critiques as you would in something like a school. I think we are our own worst critics, mainly because we see things we don't like which is normal and natural but we tend to over look things that maybe others can pick up on. I believe you still have great heights to reach for, because an artists job is never done you know 😉, we keep learning as stacking experience after experience until we achieve a product we are happy with until we strive for more! Love your stuff and I know you'll be able to reach that quality you are looking for 👍


thanks...but.. actually i more prefer to receive criticism and advice than compliment,because for a long time, the only thing that can make me improve is my own perseverance, so even some opinions from non-professional people can make it easier for me to progress


I totally understand, and I feel the same as you in regards to persevering through difficulties as I am someone who has a physical disability that I was born with and sometimes all you can do is keep pushing through the struggles. I don't have any criticism to offer towards your art as I'm a terrible artist myself but I know with your attitude you're gonna continue making great work and I and others will continue to support you as you keep getting better and better :)


This might just be personal preference, but i think the peak of your art was during the multiple ways, outfits, positions and such that was made with Rimuru and Milim, the way there was so much creative freedom and art is what i liked about it and made me pay! keep working like you do, i'll be waiting patiently on your next project (girl)!


It might just be a matter of passion for the character or perhaps you accidentally picked a pose that you're bored of. Don't feel that you need more than 1 pose per character; it's best to draw whenever and whoever you want. Feel free to get bored, you create more than enough.


Don't have much to say, Its always nice seeing your works


Hi! I'm new and excited to follow your work. I just wanted to say that my username in Discord is VicSarda, some other guy on the server said that Regal is their name on here. So I'm afraid there'll be a confusion T-T


You mean next victim?(x) And yeah, Rimuru and Milim bunnysuit project is that time i feel i need to make some serious art,so i took the extra effort to draw it, glad you like it !


Fun fact....I try at least five sometimes even more than a dozen moves per pic lol