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Please let me know if you find any strange English.🙇‍♂️🙇‍♀️ I'm worried because there are so much dialogue😅 変な英語があったら教えて下さい! セリフが多いから心配




Outsmarted once again. 👩‍🎓 In the fifth pannel you misspelled "sauce" as "souce". Right after that "if someone eats it" should be "eats them" because we are talking about several cookies, not just one. And "I'll give you these cookies" or "these three" sounds nicer but what you wrote is also correct. And lastly in your description you say "there are so many dialogue" but it should be "there is so much dialogue". Because you use "many" when talking about things you can actually count and "much" when you can't actually count what you are talking about. So for example: Use "many" for cookies because you can actually count and see three cookies on your table and use "much" for things like air because you can't count air (one air, two airs, etc. would make no sense) I hope that was not too much information at once, keep up the great work 😊


thank you!Marcel!!😭 I am often confused because Japanese does not distinguish between singular and plural forms.😅