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Idea Exploration | 點子發想

At this stage, I am just quickly doodling over a screenshot of 3D models just to see if my imagination works on paper (´ωˋ )

I will explain the concept in the section below

這個階段我只有簡單地在3D模型上塗鴉,先確認自己腦中想像的畫面確實可行(´ωˋ )


Draft | 草稿

"i-i invented an AI to detects user's heart rate&brain activity to identify&select porn preference"

"This much funding and that's it? Expect more punishment you two"

While you enjoy your porn, the machine will alternate between sucking your dick and pounding your prostate. The tingly sensation of the tentacle at irregular intervals will keep you on your toe, speeding up the extraction process (。•̀ᴗ-)✧. On top of that, the machine can adjust your leg posture, changing your posture, which allows different part of your prostate to be stimulated :3c

Side note: The AI idea was inspired by this study, although not entirely the same, but technically it is possible to create this in real life (?



在你享受色色片的同時,這台機器會輪流吸食你的雞雞和擠壓你的前列腺。觸手不固定頻率地摸你會讓你不斷被刺激,並且加速抽取精液的過程 (。•̀ᴗ-)✧。除此之外,這台機器還可以調整你腿的位置,調整你的姿勢,讓前列腺能以不同的角度來刺激 :3c


Masking&Lighting | 劃分區塊&打光

The layer order is currently wrong, which is intentional, since I want to save time by coloring everything together first before I separate the parts and sort them into the correct order.


Base Color | 固有色

Colored Draft | 顏色草稿

I want the focus to be on Orbi, the boy, and the machine, which is done through value separation (foreground being darker in general, midground and background being lighter in general). I hope that the main focus has a very clear silhouette, I might push the values of the midground to even brighter values later 🤔


Parts Separation | 拆部件

I will probably do a variation without the VR goggle XD


Rendering (Main Character) | 細修(主角)

Rendering (Background) | 細修(背景)

I used JSPlacement for the flooring to quickly add some detail. As for the far background, I used something I generated using MidJourney, an AI art creation tool, for some quick noise. But I guess it's very difficult to see XD


Post Processing | 後製










Excited for the finished product. Like reading through your thought process on these WIP posts


Either Orbi, you or you both have a naughty naughty mind. I love it and can't wait to see the finished product. Your thought process makes for a truly interesting read :)


I love your way of thinking more and more and your development of new wonderful torture machines, that I myself would all one day love to try… phew, man, you really always nail it.. can’t wait to see the finished version.. thanks for being here for us !


So... the design of the machine is that the boy's own juice will pass through the C-shaped ring and go into his own rectus?


Orbi has been through a lot, perhaps that's where he got his inspirations from (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)


I'd love it if some suspiciously rich shotacon can turn it into reality >< Thank you for always showing up and being so supportive ⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ !!


No XDDD The juice will be collected to help pay off Orbi's debt, I guess they're both company's property now (?


I really like machines, especially when they are so helpful. You can have hours of fun with it! By the way: I hope you, your family and friends are safe in Taiwan. We stand by your side.


Doesn't seem to be, but I'm also partially dyslexic so they may pass me by anyway haha. Also I noticed one of the previous Accident series is the video playing on the screen, a nice touch


You are?! It must be difficult O: And yes, you're right! It's what the boy on the machine is watching, I guess you can say he finds that clip particularly arousing ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_


Thank you for your compliment and caring message! We're very safe here <3

Hagiel Wong

看來Grapes的業務範圍也挺大的,又酒吧又科研公司~ XD




是用一個叫做Design Doll的程式快速安排的 我3D能力沒有強到可以捏出整個人ww


I enjoy looking at the behind the scenes video after the full release..But when you were moving Orbi's head with the X/Y angles got a laugh 😂


He sure is very flexible XDDD Well, in all seriousness, I usually like to make my parameters go a little extra, to the point where it is unrealistic to move that much. This is just so that when I'm animating, I have more option to work with, even if most of the time I don't use the extra bits :3c