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Concept | 概念

(Image Source: https://youtu.be/l49_AeVYq9I)

Watch & Learn Part 3! It's been more than half a year since Part 2 XD

This time, the proposal is "swimming in a special speedo that stimulates prostate and penis". The idea is to have students doing dolphin kicks, which their penis will be pushing in and out, while their butt will squeeze the prostate vibrator in and out as well. A particularly rewarding training session ლ(◕ω◕ლ)

Watch & Learn Part 3!距離Part 2已經超過半年了 XD


Draft | 草稿

Special thanks to 青山 (@no821630952) boy for cameo!

I drew two drafts to help myself figure out what the motion will look like from this particular perspective. I'll only color one of them, and hopefully I'll have time to animate this. It'll be a particularly difficult challenge to animate in Live2D for the leg kicking motion (›´ω`‹ ).

In terms of composition, I purposefully made 青山's silhouette point to my crotch, a visual lead to the focal point. A reason of having another character on the side demonstrating the same concept but from a different angle is that it helps the audience to understand the concept more intuitively as well.

One little thing I did is I purposefully excluded the hands and wrists from the canvas, I think it looks more erotic as it looks as if the character is tied up if you want to imagine it that way (*´ч ` *)

特別感謝 青山(@no821630952)的自設來客串!

我畫了兩張草稿來試著理解在這個透視下這種動作會看起來如何,我最後只會上色一張,並且希望有時間把這個做成動圖。踢腿的動作要用Live2D做出來感覺會超有挑戰性(›´ω`‹ )。


一個小細節是我這次刻意把手跟手腕放在畫布外,我覺得這樣看起來比較色,因為如果你想要的話,你可以幻想角色是被綁起來的(*´ч ` *)

Grayscale | 灰階

I've considered drawing other characters looking at them outside of the pool, but it's not possible to see outside of the pool from this perspective under water as the water surface will just be reflecting what's under the pool like a giant mirror.


Colored Draft | 顏色草稿

The water surface was done using gradient mapping, which is really efficient when I need lots of quick detail in the drafting stage.

Layer 1 is just plain grayscale with no color yet.

Layer 2 is a gradient map that applys some local color.

Layer 3 is another gradient map, but the blending mode is set to "Luminosity". This way, I can preserve the blue color, but have complex change in luminosity, adding lots of details. Do note that I erased masked parts near the character's face so that the detailed background doesn't take the focus away from the character.

Layer 4 is a curve to flatten and brighten everything a bit.


圖層1 是純灰階,無色彩添加。

圖層2 是用漸層對應先加一點固有色。

圖層3 是另一個漸層對應,但是混合模式是「明度」,這樣我能保留固有色但是同時在明度上有更多變化,也就是更多細節。值得注意的是我有遮掉不少這個效果,尤其是在靠近角色的臉的區域,這樣複雜的背景才不會搶走主角的焦點。

圖層4 是一個曲線稍微壓顏色,並且將整體調亮。

Merged layers by individual elements, and fixed the anatomy and perspective quite a bit using liquify tool.


Rendering (Main Character) | 細修(主角)

I began parts separation as I was rendering the character. The canvas was purposefully extended at this stage so that I can draw the different parts in full, else the parts outside of the canvas will be clipped when it's animated (• ▽ •;)

在這個階段我就已經開始邊修角色邊拆圖了。畫布有刻意往外延伸,這樣才能把不同的部件完整畫出來,做動畫時才不會破圖 (• ▽ •;)

I also drew an extra pair of leg so that the animation will look more realistic. It is difficult to animate this because the legs have different lighting and shape under this perspective when moving, we'll see both the front and the back of the calves, so I have to swap out a different pair of leg depending on the action performed (つω`)

The circle is my guide image, helping me to understand the rotating path.

我也多畫了一對腿這樣動畫才會看起來更真實。這特別難做動畫的原因是因為在這個透視下,腿移動時會有不同的光影與形狀變形,我們會看得到小腿的前面與背面,所以我得要在踢腿時偷偷將腿換成另一組才會看起來流暢 (つω`)


Here is a rough image showing you how I separate the more complicated parts. Feel free to let me know if you have any question (´ωˋ )

這邊我大概解釋了複雜的部份我是怎麼拆圖的,有問題的話可以問我(´ωˋ )

Rendering (Side Characters) | 細修(其他角色)

Rendering (Background) | 細修(背景)

I emphasized the character's reflection on the water surface to make the background seem more realistic. For the bubble that appears when the leg moves, it's made easily using the default KYLE charcoal brush with a low flow.


Post Processing | 後製

Draugnut's Suggestion | 爪爪的建議

Based on @Draugnut's suggestion, there was a minor change to the speedo's shape to feel less rigid (´ωˋ )♡

根據 @爪爪 的建議,把泳褲的形狀修改圓了一點(´ωˋ )♡

Live2D Overview | Live2D 總攬


Sorry for updating this post so late, I've been very busy ;w;! There are a few interesting things I want to point out below regarding this process:

抱歉這麼晚才更新過程文,最近真的很忙 ;w;!這次的過程有些有趣的點我想跟大家分享:

First is how I did the reflection for the goggle at 00:04. Essentially I have a mask that is glued to either lens, and I duplicated the background to be confined by those masks. This creates the seemingly realistic reflection on the goggle!


Then, if you look very closely at 00:49, you would notice that in the middle of the dolphin kick, I swapped out the pair of legs in between the kicks in order to fit the perspective and lighting better! This was for me the biggest challenge of this animation, and I am fairly happy with the result XD


Finally, at 04:08, I demonstrate that I have two parameters for the water in the background. I also have 3 different layers for water with varying level of wave distortion. bg_surface doesn't move at all, while large and mid alternate moving in two different parameters to create the illusion that the water is always flowing. The /wavemask is there to create more variation inside the waves when it is moving.





Absolutely wonderful just to see the wip. So this boy is of the type „i do have swimming goggles but I don‘t use them…“? 😋😂


Yes XDDDD! Swimming goggles are more attractive when it's not used properly (?




超——喜歡那委屈的表情 ( ˘ω˘ )🍷🍽很合我胃口。妙妙妙。




我倒是想掃興的説:特殊的三角泳褲的點子100%肯定是違反物理的wwwwwww泳褲分明是會隨着學生胯部同步擺動,納米技術也不可能克服這個情況😏😏😏 不過色色在前誰會在乎物理甚麼的¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


Aawwww... you rock... someday I want to meet you methinks LOL


P.S. what is this device he is wearing that holds his pp out? Looks like I would want one, too :)


It's a special speedo with a masturbation cup attached at the front ლ(◕ω◕ლ)


wwww 就知道你不管 我相信不用多久整個池就充滿著一絲絲的白色浮游物 聽聞入了眼的話會很灼痛🙈 不小心喝了一口這樣的池水又是別有一番風味🙊


You must send me one.. I will wear it every day then… looks so promising…. ^;..;^


Phew.. how comes we seem always to be so likewise… you seem to be like a lost twin to me :) thanks for your superb work… always loving it!

