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Here is the voting results for last month:


Green bar is the accumulated votes from previous months :3

【Our Toy】is way too strong wwww. I guess people like to see shota bully shota huh? Below is the vote accumulation statistics:

綠色的部分是過去幾個月所累積的票數 :3

【Our Toy】也太強了吧wwww。我猜大家很喜歡看正太霸凌其他正太哦?以下是目前票數累積的統計:

1. 【Part-Time Job】 - 6

2. 【Be Quiet!】 - 8

3. 【Newbie】 - 8

4. 【Our Toy】 - 0

5. 【Accident】 - 8

6. 【Character Setting | 角色設定】 - 10

7. 【Watch & Learn】 - 13

8. 【New】 - 1

✨In case if you missed the update from my Twitter, here's the current progress of the FANBOX cards. I found ways to make the plastic films stick a bit better, and I bought a lot more kinds of shiny textures to play with! However, I have some bad news...


✨Using a thing I printed for @Draugnut as an example. When certain films are applied and left for a while, the design becomes blurry for no apparent reasons (perhaps the weather is too hot?) You can compare it to the same card, but on the flip side without the plastic film, the design is meant to be at least this sharp (which is still not sharp in my opinion). The printing at the edge is also incomplete for some reason, and I think that's the limit of my household card printer...


✨These are also some other flaws that bothers me a lot. A lot of the scratch mark comes with the plastic film itself, so there's not much I can do about it. To be honest, I don't think this project is professional enough to be sent out even as a gift, and I may have to drop it (›´ω`‹ )

✨以上是一些其他讓我很困擾的問題。很多刮痕其實是模買來時就有的,我也沒辦法做什麼調整。老實說我不覺得這個產品夠專業,連當禮物都有點不夠格,我可能真的會需要放棄(›´ω`‹ )

✨Another bad news, my second internship (graduation requirement) is starting. It's full-time this time, and it starts from June to early August. I hope I can finish my promised works and not die (´;ω;`)



( っ ธิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิิ์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์์c )

✨On a more positive note, I got complimented by Wool Sensei (SFW | NSFW)!!!!! I'm a super huge fan of his work and I've been following him even before I started drawing myself. His work has a HUGE influence on me, and getting approval from him means the world to me. We had a few exchange in DM and I got permission to draw fan art for him, so there'll be that coming soon. I'm super honored ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و

✨論好消息的話,我被Wool老師(沒有色色色色)稱讚啦!!!!!!我是他的超級大粉絲,而且在自己開始畫畫前就已經有follow他了。他的作品對我影響非常非常大,能獲得他的肯定對我來說真的是件讓我開心到壞掉的成就。我們在私訊有些交流,且得到了畫老師角色的許可,不久後應該就會完成了,我真的超榮幸的啦 ٩(˃̶͈̀௰˂̶͈́)و

✨I was also lucky enough to purchase Wool Sensei's masterpiece from @OneOne_EE! It's quite a coincidence that it arrived the day after Sensei complimented my work


✨Oh and yes, I finally met my idol 👀 Mutoh and I were hanging out in his house, we had ostrich meat in our dinner, it's a long story (?

✨啊對,我終於見到了我的偶像👀 我和武藤去他家玩,且晚餐我們吃了鴕鳥肉,說來話長(?

✨Both Pixiv and Twitter now has over 50,000 followers, thank you all so much 🙏(´;ω;`). That's a lot of updates (shitposts) for one month. Thank you for reading XD










投票部分的結果,我覺得是因為看到Sand Suna筆下的正太雖然被欺負但在最後會有點享受的感覺?! 這種衝突感很吸引人W


所以大家喜歡看表現得不要不要的但是最後都高潮得很爽的正太嗎 ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄


尤其是配合文字敘述,一步步淪陷的過程XD 對這類型的正太覺得很讚XD


Good luck with your internship! Hopefully it's not too stressful. Too bad the card's are giving you trouble, the designs were great.








我是很想要未來去Shotafes擺攤並且見自己崇拜的繪師ww 在有擺攤的能力之前我可能暫時都不會去這樣


而且我也很佩服sand suna能畫出這種感覺w 希望我之後練畫技也能像你一樣能畫出想表達的感覺


Wow.. a lot seems to be happenig with / at you at the moment.. I hope your internship will give you new insights at the things you want to learn... But it will be sad, if we won't hear or see from you then... at least I will definitely cry some tears about that.. Have you ever thought about opening a discord? Just to be able to be in contact? Nonetheless have a good time... I'm also surprised by the vote.. so many voting for more "toi-boi"... well, I'd love to see more of Orbi and his little friend being "dried out" LOL... Hope to hear from you despite all your projects... I send you some LOVE :)


Don't worry, I won't magically disappear XDDD I've considered opening a Discord server, yes, but I don't think I will have the energy to run it since I'd feel bad if I don't respond to everything (bad habit). I will try my best to survive (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡


謝謝啊(*´ч ` *) 論這方面的顏技我覺得Wool老師比我強太多太多了,看他的畫真的能學到很多


I do wish you the best from the bottom of my heart.. but please don't overwork :)


*cries in no OC to submit*

