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  • 2022-05-14 23-05-38.mp4



Draft | 草稿

🧪Accident Part 5! The machine on the top technically can't exist in real life, but it's imaginary porn, so why not ww. It's a machine that wraps around your dick, creating a force field, then fills it with slime, effectively turning it into a tailor made masturbation cup, then finally, adding vibrating eggs for extra stimulation.

The machine on the bottom technically can exist in real life, but I don't think anyone has designed it yet. It first spreads the anus, then it shoves tons of anal bead into the butt, creating a little hill on the stomach, then the machine closes the anus, pulling out, then forcefully retracting all anal beads back, making the anus gaping on and off repeatedly.

The tube close to the urethra will insert into the urethra, not only to inject aphrodisiac, but also to effectively stimulate and collect semen.

🧪Accident Part 5! 上半部的機械現實中不可能辦到,不過是幻想色圖就隨便啦(?)。這機械會框住你的雞雞,形成一個力場,並且在內注入史萊姆,變成量身訂做的飛機杯,並且在最後還會塞入跳蛋來加強刺激。



Here's a little foreshadowing for the next part (?). He's the boy from the "..." doodle series.


Lighting | 二分

I want the focus to be on the face region and the butt region, since this is an in-door scene, I've chosen a more diffused light to better create the softness in the skin. The mainlight source is the one directly above Orbi, making his facial region pop out, and a secondary light source is added on the floor/bottom to complement the main light source, drawing attention to the butts and balls ლ(◕ω◕ლ)


Base Color | 底色

Colored Draft | 顏色草稿

Is it weird that I really want to lick my own OC's smooth body and pleasure him till he can't cum anymore (*´ч ` *)?

有衝動想要舔自己OC軟軟的身體並且為他服務到他再也射不出來,這樣會不會很奇怪啊(*´ч ` *)?

The texture on the glass pane is generated using JSplacement, a tool that was recommended to me by Koe Sensei and works intuitively and efficiently. Super thankful for his recommendation! (*'∀'*)

I think I'll make this part an animation as well, it'll be a challenge for sure with all of the weird machineries I'm making.

玻璃上的材質是用JSplacement 所生成的,用起來很直覺也快速,超感謝Koe老師推薦!(*'∀'*)


Rendering (Character) | 細修 (角色)

I really love how his little abs and armpit turned out this time. I'd really like to give him a good lick (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡


Draugnut's Suggestion | 爪爪的建議

Mutoh and I went to @Draugnut's house!!!!!!! He corrected my work in front of me, and we had a really great time messing around and chatting about random things. I finally got to meet my idol, you have no idea how excited I was (〃∀〃)ゞ

Most changes were minor, including fixing the shape of the elbow, the volume of the collar bone, making the torso a little longer, and also moving the boy in the background off of center so that it looks more natural and leaves room to show the experimenter doing things.

我和武藤去了 @爪爪 家!!!!!!他直接現場修圖給我看,我們一起玩遊戲還有聊一堆有的沒的真的開心到炸掉,終於見到了自己的偶像,你絕對不知道我當時有多興奮(〃∀〃)ゞ


Rendering (Background) | 細修(背景)

Thinking about how to separate the parts for animation took a hell of a long time. Every piece had to be broken down with layer ordering considered, I'm so tired ( ´ᵕ ω ᵕ' )

I removed the "cap" from the urethra machine tentacle because I want to also use it to suck on the nipple :3ccc. At the same time, I also started drawing some other pieces needed for animation, such as mouth opening for Orbi's expression change.

思考怎麼將每一個part分開來花了超多時間。每一個part都得要思考怎麼移動以及圖層的先後順序,我好累 ( ´ᵕ ω ᵕ' )


Post-Processing | 後製

Time for many days of animation work (›´ω`‹ )

接下來就是連續好幾天忙動畫的部分了 (›´ω`‹ )

Live2D Parameters

2022-05-14 23-05-38

It's mostly done now! I'm really stretching the limits of Live2D this time XD. I'm especially happy with how the masturbation cup turned out~

There are still fine adjustments to many of the parts that need to be done, but this is the basic idea :3






Now this is something.. wow. Just to imagine your machinery would exist to get all cum out of boys.. I think orby looks totally cute here. This is a masterful piece of drawing. You always create scenes where I could imagine to be the boy.. thank you!


Ayyy thank you! I love to create scenarios where I'd be able to imagine myself as the boy and produce works that I'd use myself (*´ч ` *)




Are there any links to the uncensored versions or did i just overread them?


At work. Will comment later 👋🏻


Sand看起来永远都不会有创作瓶颈的样子,每次都能涩涩出新境界 o(๑◕ ㉨ ◕๑)ブ~ヘー﹣✿挥爪~


Oh, I'll upload the uncensored version when I finish and release the animation XD


其實挺常有瓶頸的www 最近是為了自己的畫技苦惱(?


Animation? Now you leave me like a kid on christmas waiting for presents.. wow.. you are giving us very much this time! Thanks so much!


It's interesting to see your work step by step (figuratively, since I'm half a world away ^^) and to read your thoughts at each step. Poor Orbi, is the punishment still from his first mistake or did he pull a Britney Spears on his superiors?


Britney Spears wwww The punishment is still not over, he hasn't produce enough to make up for the damages he has caused, so they're testing out different methods (?)

Hagiel Wong

也許沙大大是一個被畫畫耽誤的發明家~ 😆




Omg you got me Sand. I find Orbi particularly handsome this time somehow lol. You know he has always been my favourite boy (nah not mean that I like others any less actually), but wow this one really hits me. His facial expression deserves 120 out of 100 and it ignites a new level of feeling towards Orbi in mieee. So wanting to lick Orbi is definitely not any thing weird I assure you ;) Orbi is always one big delux milk chocolate bar in my eyes👅💧🍫 And I am delighted to see the boy from doodle series join Orbi's team of the exploited. How that boy stares at Orbi in amazement gives a good catalytic effect to the entire scenario, dunno if everyone agress with me. Well done, well done really. I dunno actually there are a few strange thing that hit me hard in this part. The last thing I wanna mention is Orbis's hair. TBH if I could do anything on him I think the first thing would be rubbing his hair??? I dunno why but... yes it's real. Look foward to enjoyng the finished product!


Handsome ww?! That's great, I'm very glad you like how I drew his chocolate body. I guarantee you that he melts like a chocolate if you lick him hard enough too ;) Originally, I only intended the boy to show up in the very end as a little teaser, but now it looks like I should make him appear throughout XDD Regarding hair rub, perhaps it's because this time the hair is drawn in a slightly more realistic way? But I totally agree, I want to rub all of the sweetness out of him too (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)♡


The other boy (hurry and give him a name already wwww) is younger than Orbi right? I bet Orbi will try hard to play the role of a protective big bro when the two meet.😎


Adding risk/arm cuffs would be 99.9/100 perfect!!


Well, Orbi can play my big brother and I will be there for him fulfilling his wishes ;) You really described exactly my feelings, Lebenriss. So good to see that others have similar imaginations ;)


Sorry, it’s me again. You don’t know how often I have been in this site looking and gaping open mouthed at these drawings and dreaming open eyed of this vision you have created. This is a masterpiece and no one should day otherwise. I am happy to be able to see that and to have it filling my dreams of Orbi and being there, touching him, being him, ruffle his hair and what ever.. I had to say this again, because is really changed my last days… this drawing is a new drug… I bow before your mastership, Sand!


Dude, you don't have to be sorry! I'm so happy that people take the drawings I make with my horny energy this seriously! In the past, before I started drawing myself, I had similar experience to this before ww. I constantly went back to specific drawings as they would make my day, and I am happy that I'm able to make other's day with my drawings now! Also, I guess I'm a drug dealer now? wwww 💊ლ(◕ω◕ლ)


Thanks for the understanding. I wasn’t sure if it would bother you.. but good to hear, that you are quite the same.. and this kind of Orbi-drug I definitely will never be sorry if it makes me dependent… ^;..;^


!明明画得这么好看😢老实说之前第一眼看到Sand的作品就被惊艳到了,——并且还是“下笔如有神”的那种惊艳✧ (ര̀㉨ ര́)و ̑̑༉


太感謝了 ・゚・(つω`゚)・゚・ 不過跟其他大師比,我還有非常多努力的空間><