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Here is the voting results for last month:


Ah, there's not as many votes this month as previous months, time to make some change…


Random polling on Twitter, while I'm not surprised, I wonder if people on FANBOX/Fantia also have the same distribution 🤔


I've moved out of the quarantine hotel and back to my house (´ωˋ )

我從隔離旅館出來,現在回到家裡住了(´ωˋ )

Yes, my mountain of Taiko has grown in size as I move my stuff from Hong Kong back here (・ω´・ )

對,自從把香港的東西搬回來後,我的太鼓山又變得更高了(・ω´・ )

✨Changing the voting system! Starting from this month, 25% of previous month's vote (round down) will accumulate towards future months, and the vote will be reset when it wins the monthly polling!

For example, imagine if "Series A" got 10 votes every months. On the first month, it'll have 10 votes, on the second month, it'll have 10+2 = 12votes, on the third month, it'll have 10+2+2 = 14 votes. If it wins on the third month, then in the fourth month, it'll have 10 votes.

This way, hopefully less popular series will get a chance to develop and shine, and hopefully people who like less popular series will not be in despair and keep voting

(´ . .̫ . `)


例如,假設「系列A」每個月固定獲得10票。第一個月,它會有10票,第二個月它會有10+2 = 12票,第三個月它會有10+2+2 = 14票。假設它在第三個月勝出,那第四個月它就只會有10票。

這樣,希望比較不受歡迎的系列也能有進展、有發光發熱的一天,也希望那些投給比較不受歡迎的系列的人不會因此感到絕望,且繼續投票(´ . .̫ . `)

✨I've begun drawing the doujin slowly! Only got like 2 pages of draft done, it's more difficult than I imagined XD. After discussing with many people, I've decided to take this project slowly, this way, I can have time to make it a colored doujin :3. I want this doujin to be something I'd be proud of, so I'm really going to be taking my time with this. This also means that in future months, I'll have 1 illustration set per month, and the rest of the time will be used to make progress on the doujin. Hopefully people are fine with this (›´ω`‹ )

✨我也慢慢開始畫本子了!目前只完成了大概2頁草稿而已,比我預想的還困難XD。跟幾個人討論過後,我決定慢慢完成這個企劃,這樣才有時間畫全彩:3。我想做出自己會滿意的東西,所以先不管時間問題,以做到好為目標。這也代表未來幾個月我每個月應該都只會有一組插畫,而剩下的時間應該都會花在畫本子上。希望大家不會因此失望(›´ω`‹ )

✨The doujin name has been decided! It's a pun that surprisingly works in all three languages XD. Credits to my friend and my bf for coming up with this.


