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✨Part 0: https://sandsuna.fanbox.cc/posts/3375211

※All characters created are ≥ 18 years old

※No characters are harmed during creation, all sexual behaviors are consensual, please treat them with care (⁄⁄>⁄▽⁄<⁄⁄)



Note: I'm being forced to censor the contents due to FANBOX's policy, sorry for the inconvenience. I am also not allowed to distribute the uncensored version in any form or way on FANBOX.


Unrelated Stuff 1 | 毫無相關的東西1:https://puu.sh/GmVXR/c120ea0611.jpg?qtxrt_cu=51&mskl_=SGFyZFdvcmtpbmdCb3lodHRwczovL21lZ2EubnovZm9sZGVyL3RPTnhGS0xCI25mSkdxdThUcm0ydXNFOGdJRFh5RVE=

Unrelated Stuff 2 | 毫無相關的東西2:https://masklink.boniatillo.com/

An Odd Word | 一個怪怪的字:HardWorkingBoy

Original | 原版

"uh-um…who ordered the champagne?"

"Ooh a student, how rare"

"Hey, come here and blow me, this is more than your salary tonight, right?"




"If you do well there's more, got it?"

"Damn his ass is so tender and warm, I kinda want to order him too"



"Yes, move that tongue more"


"Haha, you are enjoying this aren't you?"

"umm…mhm..." (no way… it smells so bad and it's so salty… Orbi's is much better…)



"Was that the deepest you could go?"




"Then let this be a lesson for you"


"If you swallow every last drop I'll give you more tips"


"Sigh, how unfortunate, looks like there's no tip for you"

"i-i'm sorry, i tried my best"



School Uniform (Off) | 學校制服(Off)

”uh-um…who ordered the champagne?”

”Ooh a student, how rare”

”Hey, come here and blow me, this is more than your salary tonight, right?”




"If you do well there's more, got it?"

"Damn his ass is so tender and warm, I kinda want to order him too"



"Yes, move that tongue more"


"Haha, you are enjoying this aren't you?"

"umm…mhm..." (no way… it smells so bad and it's so salty… Orbi's is much better…)



"Was that the deepest you could go?"




"Then let this be a lesson for you"


"If you swallow every last drop I'll give you more tips"


"Sigh, how unfortunate, looks like there's no tip for you"

"i-i'm sorry, i tried my best"



Duty Boy Nude | 值日生全裸

”uh-um…who ordered the champagne?”

”Ooh a student, how rare”

”Hey, come here and blow me, this is more than your salary tonight, right?”




"If you do well there's more, got it?"

"Damn his ass is so tender and warm, I kinda want to order him too"



"Yes, move that tongue more"


"Haha, you are enjoying this aren't you?"

"umm…mhm..." (no way… it smells so bad and it's so salty… Orbi's is much better…)



"Was that the deepest you could go?"




"Then let this be a lesson for you"


"If you swallow every last drop I'll give you more tips"


"Sigh, how unfortunate, looks like there's no tip for you"

"i-i'm sorry, i tried my best"



Customer Clothes (Off) | 客人衣服(Off)

”uh-um…who ordered the champagne?”

”Ooh a student, how rare”

”Hey, come here and blow me, this is more than your salary tonight, right?”




"If you do well there's more, got it?"

"Damn his ass is so tender and warm, I kinda want to order him too"



"Yes, move that tongue more"


"Haha, you are enjoying this aren't you?"

"umm…mhm..." (no way… it smells so bad and it's so salty… Orbi's is much better…)



"Was that the deepest you could go?"




"Then let this be a lesson for you"


"If you swallow every last drop I'll give you more tips"


"Sigh, how unfortunate, looks like there's no tip for you"

"i-i'm sorry, i tried my best"



Customer Clothes (Off)&School Uniform (Off) | 客人衣服(Off)&學校制服(Off)

”uh-um…who ordered the champagne?”

”Ooh a student, how rare”

”Hey, come here and blow me, this is more than your salary tonight, right?”




"If you do well there's more, got it?"

"Damn his ass is so tender and warm, I kinda want to order him too"



"Yes, move that tongue more"


"Haha, you are enjoying this aren't you?"

"umm…mhm..." (no way… it smells so bad and it's so salty… Orbi's is much better…)



"Was that the deepest you could go?"




"Then let this be a lesson for you"


"If you swallow every last drop I'll give you more tips"


"Sigh, how unfortunate, looks like there's no tip for you"

"i-i'm sorry, i tried my best"



Everyone Nude | 所有人全裸

”uh-um…who ordered the champagne?”

”Ooh a student, how rare”

”Hey, come here and blow me, this is more than your salary tonight, right?”




"If you do well there's more, got it?"

"Damn his ass is so tender and warm, I kinda want to order him too"



"Yes, move that tongue more"


"Haha, you are enjoying this aren't you?"

"umm…mhm..." (no way… it smells so bad and it's so salty… Orbi's is much better…)



"Was that the deepest you could go?"




"Then let this be a lesson for you"


"If you swallow every last drop I'll give you more tips"


"Sigh, how unfortunate, looks like there's no tip for you"

"i-i'm sorry, i tried my best"



With Text (EN/ZH) | 含字(英文/中文)

There are too many files! It'll probably crash some people's browser if I post everything ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` ). The version with text is inside the "uncensored folder". Please refer to the tutorial here, and you will be able to access the file. If you have any trouble accessing the file, please do let me know in DM!

檔案太多啦!如果全部都上傳的話應該會讓某些人的瀏覽器燒壞 ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )。含字的版本放在「無碼資料夾」中,請見這邊的教學以獲得該檔案。如果檔案取得上遇到問題的話請私訊聯絡我!

Remember to vote on next month's illustration using the link below!







Hagiel Wong

笑死!「Orbi的好吃多了…」XDDD 很喜歡這個系列,期待下一Part~


This is so effing hot. Thank you.


可愛正太的雞雞不管怎麼樣一定比較香的嘛(*´ч ` *)♡




What a perfect idea and perfect drawing. So enjoyable :) Thanks!


透明和裸體還有特地把奶頭畫出來w真的好澀情~辛苦大大搬家期間還能畫出這麼香的圖惹QAQ 是說大大有玩新世界狂歡ㄇ?前天剛開服裡面有個穿著後空皮褲的狼妖獸太也超級色情!推薦大大載來玩玩看~


不得不说 作者画的真的完美契合我的xp!!


終於回來台灣了!目前在隔離中,但明明是隔離中卻還是每天都忙到喘不過氣來呢 (›´ω`‹ ) 新世界狂歡我有聽說耶,男友最近也在跟我講這個,可惜我應該沒時間體驗;w;


太讚了,請多多享用♪⁽⁽٩( ᐖ )۶⁾⁾ ₍₍٩( ᐛ )۶₎₎♪


and you said he would be a "waiter", looks like underage prostitution to me ;)


He sure is a waiter... a waiter with a suspiciously long job description ;3




Now time to tell Orbi there is good way to earn money 😆


I think Duty Boy would protect Orbi and never let him work in a place like this XD